
Dear God,

are you listening...?
how many times it has to be? 
to go over~and over~ these aches, again and again
how many tears do I need to drop? to finally find somewhere I belong?

I understand Love is worth it

at the same time, have you see those wounds in my hands?
I ain't giving up, and I won't
I am just getting tired and tired
to give my all and rejected
to give my all and rejected
to give my all and rejected
I gave my all again and again, still no one appreciates it
They told me all is too heavy
So, despite how crowed the world is that's exactly how lonely I am

Why? dear God, really,why?
What I have done for you to punish me in such gentle and such cruel way?
Where do I belong?
Will I ever belong...? 

Can you feel my sorrow tonight?

    創作者 Cate Lee 的頭像
    Cate Lee

    0933-923-540 強迫症人生

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