
Just watched Carzy Stupid Love last night
I'm not here to telling you that you should fight for your soul mate.
it's no longer my rights

I am here to remind you how hard we tired not to fall
I am here to remind you how much we struggled before we fall
we tried to stay away
we tried to deny
still we fall~we fall hard

so despite all the thing you said
all the right thing stuff you tried to convince yourself
do you have the guts to see me again
or you are just being a liar? to yourself to your parents to me to  to your God
I understand you will have a happily after

but what about me
this world always can find a way to remind me about you
or you can say I always can find a way to torture myself
maybe my life is meant to be lonely
and you are ment to be happy

Still I am so greatful that  you picked option 3

u started it
u ended it
nothing was ever up to me
i am used I am dumped I am trapped

    創作者 Cate Lee 的頭像
    Cate Lee

    0933-923-540 強迫症人生

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